Tuesday, July 12, 2005

OMG!! Can you imagine?? We went to the beach!! The beach where you are in the least possible clothes you can be or you look kinda foolish!!!!

It was refreshing to see all the people there, no one minded if you had an extra belly or two! There were plenty of people with extra weight!

I now realize that by me even feeling a need to write this shows how much our society or maybe just myself are consumed with skinny minnies!!

I didn't feel any looks until late in the day....have you ever felt the looks? Like how could let this happen to yourself and your family "looks"..You bad, bad, person looks.

She was skinny, so was her boyfriend and all of her kids too.....oh well, I did my best just to ignore her!!

And ya know what? Hamlin Beach is only 30 minutes away, we will be going back!!!


At 7:42 AM, July 13, 2005, Blogger A Flowered Purse said...

I agree with you on stereotypes. Everyone is all different sizes and shapes. You know how much it has affected me........When i go to a buffet, i freeze up and choke on my food. So i wont eat. Its a subconcious thing because of the stereo types and buffets. Its really sad. i am glad you got out there in your suit!! I go out in mine too and I don't care. I am the way I am! Good for you my friend!!

At 11:34 AM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Good on you. I refuse to let society dictate what I can or cannot do based on my size.

At 8:35 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

They are lucky I was not with you. I would have not been able to hold my tongue. I have a number of larger people in my family and I can remember when I was a kid how it affected my Grandma when people would do that. I am no longer reserved as an adult. I would have gone after the bitch.. =)


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