Monday, October 10, 2005


There is a big controversy that is going on in our community. A entire football team has been suspended from school (high school) because they broke the rules about being around underage drinking.
I am appalled at the way the newspaper has been covering this story, not coming out with all the facts.

Taylor has always been a dancer. He is 16 and has trouble in high school making friends. He decided to have a party to win people over from his school. Over 250 kids showed up at his house. The football team entered the house and within minutes started a rampage and trashed the young man's and his mother's home. Threw the TV on the floor, broke lamps, and basically ruined their living room. The police were called, his mother came home to find the mess and was beside herself. She didn't know what to do, should she send her son to boarding school?

The young man knowing that he didn't win any friends, felt so ashamed, he walked out into one of our expressways and is now in the hospital in a coma, with a smashed pelvis, punctured lungs and swollen brain.

The entire football team has been suspended ending their football season this year, endangering some of the boys scholarships to college. The newspaper has not linked the two events together, they just keep printing how can the school be so strict? Was it fair to suspend children that were not drinking? Never mind the fact that this young 16 year old man has been tormented his entire high school life, not "fitting in" to the norm of jocks and cheerleaders.

I am sick about this young man. Where is the tolerance? In the year 2005, aren't we teaching our children that everyone is different yet we are all human beings? Aren't there resources for young people to come to terms with their sexuality, drug use or sex in general?

This is a very rich and well off area of Rochester that this has happened. Well educated parents raising prejudice brats!

*Just a side note here.....Everyone involved in sports at this particular high school signs a contract stating that they will not be in the vicinity of underage drinking. If it's known that at a party there will be alcohol, they are not supposed to go. Several of the boys have stated that they did not drink, but they also signed the contract saying they would not be around underage drinking. Parents are very upset, but the school has stood firm.


At 8:00 PM, October 10, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Oh man..this just breaks my heart. It is so hard to fit in sometimes, and the lengths that we go thru to do so can cost us so this case, a young boy's life. I think that it was right for the football team to be suspended...but then again, this is something that happened OUTSIDE of school..not too sure that the school has the "legislation" (so to speak) to take on these actions, as it did not occur on school property. Either way, the kids needed to be punished for their actions, and it sounds to me like they have. Now, I just pray that the boy will be ok.

Hugs to you,

At 8:48 PM, October 10, 2005, Blogger SassyFemme said...

We had a number of cheerleaders suspended from a local HS last year for drinking at a party. Here the kids have to agree to certain behavior guidelines in order to play.

In answer to your question of aren't there resources for young people.... Yes, there are, but remember, with teens the most important thing is peer acceptance. It doesn't matter who says what. We can talk to them until we're blue in the face, and it always goes back to what their friends and peers think. I hate that, and am always thankful we got through adolesence with Jen, with just a few minor issues.

Hope the young man will be okay!

At 11:48 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Not only should they be suspended.. but they should also be charged for damage to property.

Sad sad sad :(



At 12:09 PM, October 15, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

I just can't understand why that in 2005 there are kids that haven't been taught by their parents that acceptance and diversity is what our world is made of. It is sad beyond words.
will it ever change?
I just don't know.



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