Thursday, June 23, 2005

Why Can't

Why Can't you go to the store in your pajamas?

Why Can't you get a expiration date on your car like on milk, so you don't spend $450 on brakes and then two weeks later the transmission goes and it's not worth fixing?

Why Can't you just dye your hair once and the grey will never come back?

Why Can't there be no more yelling at my house, my daughter, husband and myself included?

Why Can't there be a way to turn back time and do some of those really dumb things over again?

Why Can't you, when you realize that you are going to be late, just blink your eyes and you'd be where you're supposed to be?

Why Can't puppies learn how to go outside to do their business the first time or at least the

Why Can't really creepy people have some sort of warning, like their left eyebrow lights up, so you would recognize them and run!?

Please share your Why Can't-s!


At 7:16 PM, June 23, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Why can't....

I no longer have agoraphobia and panic attacks?

We live out of this state?

we have a car already?

there be world peace?

there be no more poverty?

all babies live?

people be more tolerant of others?

the list of why can't ever end??? LOL

Love you, Lisa!

At 3:01 AM, June 24, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

Why can't life just be simple?
Why can't my cats stop shedding?
Why can't my dogs stop shedding?
Whay can't someone get a republican out of the white house?
Why can't Gays and Lesbians get married?

Wanda, You can walk down my street holding her hand. I will even hold her other one.

At 8:28 AM, June 24, 2005, Blogger maceydoo said...

Wicked Wanda,
You can! Just do it!!!
Lisa :)


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