Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bad Luck Outfit

A few years ago I bought an outfit to go to my husband's Christmas party. It is a beautiful three piece suit. A sleeveless top with matching skirt and jacket. It is very pretty and it was very expensive. I was excited to wear it that night, we get to the downtown Hyatt for a rizty party, I had one drink, and all of a sudden I go dizzy!!! I could not eat, I felt like I was going to be sick, so we left. I have never worn the outfit again. It is very dressy.

So we have a wedding reception to go to tonight. I was kinda dreading it, but decided I could wear my snazzy outfit. I bought a sweet little pair of a slipper style embroidered flats to go with it. I can wear my rhinestone jewelry with this outfit as they are very flashy.

We get to the reception (late in fact) and I get a call. My son had hurt his eye earlier today. Something flew into his eye and I think he scrathed it. I can hear him bawling, crying, weeping loudly on the phone, can you come home Mom? My eye hurts!!!!

So now I am back home, he was just playing video games! No longer crying, no longer weeping, just hanging out....fine. I am glad he is OK, but I am wondering if my beautiful outfit is bad luck?


At 2:46 PM, September 25, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

I sure hope that your little Ricky's eye is ok today! How is it? As for your dress, I am sure that it is just a fluke...but if you wear it again, and the same thing happens, perhaps it should forever reside in your closet! LOL

Love you,

At 8:32 PM, September 25, 2005, Blogger maceydoo said...

Thanks Sarah!
Ricky's eye was better this morning, he went about his business with no problems or complaints!

At 9:14 AM, September 26, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Awww don't you just hate it when you're best outfit is cursed???

I'd give it one more try just in case ;)

Glad to see Ricky's eye is better!



At 1:02 PM, September 26, 2005, Blogger A Flowered Purse said...

LOL!!!!! YOu sound like me! I had an orange tye dye shirt I loved and everytime i wore it we had to go to the hospital, so we dubbed it hospital shirt and eventually threw it away!
Hope the eye is better!

At 7:50 AM, September 29, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

I had a sweater I loved.
every time I would wear it the owner of the bar I worked at would come in and drive us all crazy.
he was a jerk.
eventually, even the patrons would say to me "oh no, Jay is coming in today--she wore THE sweater!"
I didn't get rid of it though, just wore it when I wasn't working :)

glad that Ricky is ok.
I would give the outfit another chance before retiring it to the closet.



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