Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Had Enough

Ricky had a physical today with his pediatrician. I forgot to save a pee sample this morning so they made pee in the cup when we were there.

"Here ya go buddy, pee in the cup and leave it in the white cupboard"

"I don't have to pee right now Mom"

"Don't worry as soon as you get in there you will, you see the white cupboard door? Leave it in there"

Now there was a white cupboard above the toilet that looked like it held supplies, I made sure he knew the right white door to put his sample in!

"How'd ya make out?" I asked him when he came out.

"Well, I didn't get alot in the......(I thought he was going to say cup) BOWL!!!!" It went in the cup and all over the floor! Don't worry I cleaned it up and washed my hands!"

So they call us in and check his eyes, ears, blood pressure, weight and height. Then lead us into the small exam room. I began to read him a Brer Rabbit book and was half way through when the intern came in. He checked Ricky's heart, ears, mouth, stomach and back. He asked him questions about his diet and exercise. He promised the doctor would be in, in a few minutes. I went back to reading the Brer Rabbit book and finished the entire thing, not a short book I might add. I was so sick of waiting, I told him get dressed, we are leaving!

"Mom, how can we leave, we haven't seen Dr. Robinson yet?"

"Well, we have another appointment" Which was not far from the truth, considering he had homework to do, eat and be on the football field for game tonight by 5pm!

When he was dressed, I opened the exam room door and there stood the intern, I think he had overheard us talking and looked surprised that we were really going to leave! He stammered, Dr. Robinson will be right with you, in just a moment! I asked him what time is it? I almost died when he told me 2:48!! Our appointment was at 1:15!!!!!

I went to the check out counter "sorry we have another appointment we have to leave now" the receptionist was frazzled. Can you wait here for a moment? So we stood there and she promised the doctor would be right with us. I waited another five minutes in the hallway, then gently tapped Ricky on the shoulder and we left!!!!!! I had made this appointment over 7 weeks ago! It's not like we just showed up and asked for a physical. This kind of thing happens everytime one of my kids has a physical and I am fed up!

We got into the car and I was giggling......."why are you laughing, Mom?"

"Momma was a bad girl, she didn't wait for the doctor!!!"


At 7:46 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

LOL!!! Bad Mom!!! Nah, I am just kidding....that is a long time to wait for an appointment! Sorry you had to leave! :(

I am wishing you the best of luck tomorrow...remember what I told you...I'll be thinking of you! Let me know how it goes !

Love you,

At 7:30 AM, October 13, 2005, Blogger A Flowered Purse said...

OMG that would make me so mad! I hope all the other appt. went well
Many hugs
Have a great weekend

At 9:03 PM, October 13, 2005, Blogger SassyFemme said...

One of my coworkers was just talking about doing the same thing at her daughter's appt. She had even called aehad of time and pitched a fits aying they HAD to be out of there by a certain time. Whenever that time rolled around the dr. hadn't even been in to see her daughter yet. Good for you for leaving.

At 11:50 PM, October 13, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo???????????? How did the interview go?!?!!? You've been quiet tonight....

Love you,

At 12:17 PM, October 15, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

OMG that was priceless !
good for you !

so how did the interview go?



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