Thursday, October 20, 2005


Man, I know I live in Upstate NY, and I know we usually have about 9 months of winter, BUT wow, it has gotten really cold here!!!!! We have been spoiled with the hot summer and warm Fall. Ricky had a football game last night and whoa - was I cold! I made sure he had a sweatshirt on under his jersey, and he had his gloves too, I asked him, Are you cold? He nodded yes! The wind was blowing so hard, I thought, if there was any chance that something could fall from the sky it would not be rain!!!!!

One practice I went to pick him up, I was standing across the baseball field, behind a fence watching. I wanted to make sure he saw me, so when I saw him looking my way I waved. He waved but the coach yelled at him, "RICKY WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" I felt so bad.......I had gotten him in trouble! When he got in the car he told me, your love got me in trouble Mom!!! So now when he sees me on the sidelines, he just gives me a small wave with his hands down by his sides! He is really enjoying this year in football, he understands the game better this year and he will be getting a big reward for his great work!

I received Calla's 5 week grade report. She is doing GREAT!!!! I am so proud of her! All her grades are A's & B's! All except Spanish?? I am so confused as her average grade for two years has been 95% now it is 70-75%. This is her favorite course??? She has done so well for two years Spanish. I made a call to her counselor today. She also set up an appointment to see her, she said she does not like the teacher, she feels like he does not teach well. I have to believe something is going on considering how well she has done in the past.

We had to break down and put the furnace on. I am worried about our utlitlies. Rick said, we'll make it through, don't worry. That is hard for me.


At 5:45 PM, October 20, 2005, Blogger Jenn said...

Well you are getting the same weather we are getting too - It's downright cold I'd say! It seems like we went from the summer that wouldn't end, had about 3 days of nice autumn weather, and then winter reared her ugly head.
Too cute about "Your love got me in trouble" - he sounds like a sweetie!
I think you're right to make an appointment with a counsellor regarding Calla's Spanish teacher - There's something going on when she's dropped so much in her favourite subject. Hope things improve for her.
We've had the furnace on for a week now.
I'm such a wimp - I shouldn't live in Canada, because I really hate the cold. Such is life.

At 12:31 AM, October 21, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

When I was in middle school, I excelled in Spanish. When I got to HS, my grades took a nose dive. I had to get a tutor to help me out...perhaps that may help Calla too. Great for her with the grades! Woohoo!

What more can I say about Ricky? He is such a cutie pie! As kids get older, they do not want mom and dad hugging and kissing them. Now that I am older, I could use those hugs and kisses, you know?

We have been hit with a cold wave too. This weekend is going to be a booger. I am ont ready for winter...I NEVER am. Stay warm, and drink some English Tea for me too!

Love ya,

At 1:28 PM, October 22, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

that was so cute what Ricky said to you:)what a sweetie.
I think the teacher does play a big role when you see grades drop in a subject your child has always done well in. I hope that it all gets better for Calla.
it has been the following here in Colorado:
hot in the 80's
cooler in the 50's
2 feet of snow
hot in the 80's
warm in the 60's
snow flurries, rain in the 30's
and mild in the 70's.
that pretty much sums up a typical week here in the Rockies !
crazy man !


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