Monday, November 07, 2005

Terrell Owens

Well anyone who knows me would expect that I have an opinion on what has happened to him this week. And you are right!!!

I am a bit confused with the Philadelphia Eagles and their suspending and as of today, firing of T. O.

Was this not the same man who when he played for the SF 49ers in 2003 had the sharpie marker in his sock and after he scored a touchdown he reached down, pulled it out, signed the ball? I am sure this is the same man who when playing for the 49ers also had his cell phone hid near the goal post and when he caught and ran a touchdown he ran over, grabbed the hidden phone and called his mother right from the endzone!

Now the Eagles had to know what they were getting into, Terrell Owens has always been a controversial player. But also he is one of the best running backs in the NFL. On October 23rd 2005 while playing a home game in Philly he scored his 100th touchdown in his NFL career, now only 6 other men have ever done this, so this makes him the elite. Was there a big celebration about his accomplishment? Did they even put it up on the jumbo tron, congratulations Terrell, You just made NFL history!!!! No, they did nothing. Just another touchdown he had made for his team, just adding more points to the scoreboard so his team could win. It's no wonder he was upset. I know players who have been arrested, they have been involved in shootings, or bar room brawls and have to go to court and they didn't get fired?

I can not figure out why they have chosen to demonize T. O. With great talent comes a bigger ego. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so even though I am very mystified to firing your best player for talking and giving their opinion, I do not know the whole story, as I will never because I was not there!
I do want to give T.O. a shot out though, keep your head up, if you want to still play in the NFL you will!


At 4:03 AM, November 08, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

It seems like the honor the trouble makers, and don't give any support to those that support the entire team! Shame on them!

I hope that you have a great day!

Love you,


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