Thursday, September 29, 2005

I am sitting here having my first cuppa tea and it is almost 5pm! We lost our power today for about 7 hours. Bummer..........when my little boy got off the bus I took him over to my friends house and we walked a trail we have been doing this week. I was so hoping when we got home the power would be back on.......YAY!!!!!! Not sure why but I did hear that over 56,000 people were without power today, we had some strong winds today, they recorded them at 40 to 50 miles per hour.

I have been abit overwhelmed by what is happening in the Gulf Coast. So many thousands of people loosing their homes and all they owned. There were some great stories that came out of this tragedy and I will share a few.

There is a couple in Lancaster Pa that told their family from Louisiana they could come up to stay with them. They were expecting 10 or 15 people, as of today they have 50 people staying in a 4 bedroom home! The people of Lancaster have donated food, and even some have removed properties from the market to donate homes to these families!!! Americans ROCK!

In Mississippi they had a wonderful aquarium right on the Gulf of Mexico. The entire facility was ruined when Katrina came through. The aquarium had 8 dolphins that would perform each day. The dolphins were missing after the storm. Somehow these dolphins made it out to the Gulf and all stayed together. The trainers found them and began feeding them fish, putting antibiotics and vitamins in the the fishes gills. They were able to rescue 4 of the dolphins by making them beach themselves on a floating matt out in the Gulf. A local Holiday Inn let them convert their pool to hold the 4 rescued dolphins for several days. The remaining 4 dolphins (all females) were not in the same place the following day. The workers and veterinarians were very worried about them and searched all day. The next day a boater saw dolphins about 15 miles east of where they had been-- performing tricks out on the Gulf!! They were able to rescue the remaining dolphins and have set up temperary salt water tanks for them. All 8 dolphins were recovered and are doing well.

Kerry Sanders of NBC News is in Louisiana and he noticed about 4 miles away from the Gulf of Mexico a dolphin that was stuck in a small area. The dept of the water was about 5 feet, sorta like a big puddle considering this dolphin was about 500 pounds. The locals were upset, "what about us? We have nothing left and you are worried about that dolphin?" This man had every right to be upset about his situation, but he had a change of heart. We need to help this guy out. The Coast Guard, and Army helped get this big guy in a sling and helicoptered him back out to the Gulf. He swam away and met up with about 4 or 5 other dolphins, safe!

Dr. Phil has been helping people and highlighting a place in in the LA area called Dream Center. They have been housing many evacuees since the storm hit. Now they are giving away homes and finding jobs for people in California!

The government has really dropped the ball in this whole mess, local, state and federal, BUT the American People are helping, donating money, working to clear roads, and helping to pick up the pieces! This nation is filled with the best people on Earth!


At 12:32 AM, September 30, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

I have been drinking hot apple has been cold here! Last night we were under a freeze advisory! IT got below freezing! How crazy is that?!? I am glad that your power kicked back on! And yes, Americans are resiliant people!

At 10:37 AM, September 30, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Those are some great stories! Thanks for sharing them :)

Glad to hear you've got the juice back on!




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