Sunday, October 23, 2005

Big Reward!

Ricky has his last football game this week, so Rick went and got him his reward yesterday!

I am going to start from the beginning.....Last year I saw an ad for youth football and asked Ricky, would you like to play? He was nervous, "what if I don't like it?" I said well you'll never know until you try!!! The first three practices he LOVED it!!! Then they handed out all the pads and helmet! "MOM this is hard!!!!!" He came to me one night right before practice, "I am quitting, I don't want to play." I was sad, "you haven't even play one game yet?"

So I take him over to the field, lets talk to coach and see what he thinks. I tell the coach he is discouraged, he doesn't want to play.....The coach really surprised me, can you guess what he said?

He looked right at Ricky, You don't want to play? Ricky answers, no.......OK, did you bring all your equiptment to hand in? I was a bit shocked!!! No encouragement to continue, no why don't you want to play? Just Ok, hand in your stuff!!!!! So we left the field, I didn't have any of his stuff that night to hand in.

So I tell him, ya know Momma has been through alot in her life, but one thing she never did was quit!!!!! We are not quitters in this house. "Well, I am! I'm a quitter because I am not playing!"

Rick talked to him, he offered him some reward, it was a robot (Robosabien) that was $100!! I was even more shocked!!!!!!! I told him, I don't know if we can get you that robot!!! "Can I go to the toy store and pick out a toy?" Yes, sure. So he finished up and I thought that was the end of his football career!!! :)

So this year, he approaches Rick, "Dad, I really want this BeBe gun, how 'bout if I play football and then can I get it?" Rick was soooo happy, he goes to all the practices and is an assistant coach this year, YES!!! I can get you a BB gun, no problem!! So we sign him up, he plays and really is enjoying himself this year! Plus has done great too!

I find the robot that he wanted for $70 and got it for him for Christmas 2004!!!!!!

My boys are in the basement right now as I type, target practice with a new Crossman BB gun with a scope and all!!!! Ricky is ecstatic!!!


At 7:18 PM, October 23, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

That is fantastic!!! How wonderful that he likes football, AND gets a BB gun! What a joy!

Love ya,

At 11:30 PM, October 23, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Hooray :) Now he'll play sports, get exercise AND still have a surprise at xmas :)




At 7:57 AM, October 24, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

that's cool--good for Ricky !

At 10:12 AM, October 24, 2005, Blogger Nancy said...

Ah, the ways parents think of to get our kids to do things...Hope he is careful with the bb gun!


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