Thursday, November 10, 2005

Riverside Productons

I am just amazed at this new job I have been at all week. I am very excited! My heart beats fast when I think of the possiblities! I am a theater nut, I loved working on a stage, setting the story of what is happening! That is what this job is like. You get all the "props" ready for a particular event or party, including flowers, pretty organza fabrics, lighting, candles and even back drops too!
Christmas is coming and to decorate properly you must have white branches with glitter all over them to sparkle like fresh fallen snow. So on Tuesday, two men that I work with had that job. When I saw them when they were finished I was so glad that I didn't have anything to do with that project! They were covered from head to toe with glitter! The two men had Wednesday off and my boss was going crazy all day, "where did they put those branches???"
So today when I arrive at work, they inform me that these two guys left the branches outside!!! Yesterday it poured rain and hail, the wind blew and the little white branches that had sparkled so sweet were battered and worn. Now it was my turn to make them glisten!! So I get them all done, like 8 or 9 buckets worth, I put them all back where they need to be stored and I go back into our little work area and announce, "ok that is done, I put them outside to dry!!!!!" LMAO!!!!!! I thought it was the funniest thing but others didn't, but hey I was the little Christmas elf covered in the tiny cut pieces of shiney plastic!!!


At 3:29 AM, November 11, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

LOL!!!! Some people just don't have a sense of humor now do they? LOL

It sounds like you have had a great time working for them! Good for you! I hope to chat with you soon! Remember, it's my turn to call you...e-mail me and let me know when it would be a good time to call! :)

Love you!


At 7:24 AM, November 12, 2005, Blogger A Flowered Purse said...

I am so glad you are liking your new job! sounds like a blast!


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