Monday, June 20, 2005

No Apologies

I know that my blog has become very political and that may turn people off, but I can not stop!

Ok maybe I will lay off for awhile, but I do just have one more thing to say.

Saturday after reading the DSM, I was enraged! I was talking to my hubby who was a strong Bush supporter the first time he ran. I had told him everything that I felt, actually over and over again, everytime adding bits more!

So on Saturday I told him, you need to say it, Rick you need to admit it right now! I was right, this whole thing with Iraq was just Bush's agenda, he was pissed that Saddam had tried to kill his father and this was his way to get back at him, Now say it Rick!! I have been right all along!

He did! He admitted it!!!

So I cried, I said to him, I wish people would of listened to me and looked into the facts before they voted him back in (Rick can not vote, long story!) I was talking mostly about my siblings, and my mother. I wish I could of had an impact on people to search out the truth and felt like I had made a difference.......

Then my 14 yr old daughter said, You have made a difference Mom, you have made an impact on me!! I half heartedly smiled, yes honey, but I mean adults, people who can vote. But mom, she persisted, please don't be upset, you have made a big impact on me, I have looked at things differently over the years that you have been talking about all of this, I have seen the letters you have written to Washington, I have heard the phone calls you have made. I know that America should never of gone into Iraq, mom, please believe me, you have made a difference!

Quite honestly I was stunned! I was silent, I thought about it, these are the people I can influence, my children, these are the people I can encourage to seek out facts and not just be led around by our government. I have made a difference


At 8:49 PM, June 20, 2005, Blogger Kate said...

Oh Lisa.. I know how you feel. I campaigned so hard for John Kerry. I turned so many voters and after it was over I was just so disillusioned about the whole thing. I cried and felt ill. I am so glad people like you are having kids and showing them the light. You are a good Mom. Keep up the good work!

At 10:42 AM, June 27, 2005, Blogger meelo said...

fuck bush. at this point, i feel that words of debate or even fact are pointless when speaking with people who are not open to looking at the TRUTH.

you are so right, there are a precious few who are easily influenced and should be taught the values on which our country was based and above all else, to think for themselves and RESEARCH things like this which are important. for god's sake, don't be like the mindless thousands of americans who choose a party based on their parents' political position...the cycle continues and makes us susceptible to things like what are happening now. you are making a difference. never doubt that. truth is the answer.


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