Saturday, June 18, 2005

Downing Street Memo


Ok any of you that have been reading my blog know that I said if anything else happens with the US Foreign Policy I was going to scream! I was skeptical about the whole pre-war rants, I heard Bush say that Hussein was related to the Ricin Ring in London, he was addressing the FBI with Colin Powell standing by his side, all TV shows were pre empted and they had the live feed to the meeting. I was shocked as I heard him say that Saddam was linked to this as everything I had read was indicated that the men were from Africa!!!! I looked at Powell and his face said it all, he looked at the president like, "Where the hell did you come up with that?" Hmmmm, Colin Powell is no longer associated with the Bush administration, I wonder why? I can spectulate that he was unnerved by Bush and his insanity. I am!
I have read the memo, I have signed the petition, I have sent a letter to my representative and I hope to see some answers.
One of the hardest things to cope with about this administration is people all over the world view Americans as stupid, either not looking at the facts or unwilling too. We are being led around by this dunce, hatred for America is growing by the hour, and my children will bear the ramifications for this. Is it no wonder they hate us?
Please go and read the memo for yourself


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