Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Cover Your Ears

On Friday night we were at Saralynn's working to get the basement done. I had just finished cooking and feeding everyone. Most nights I am helping Rick put the drywall up on the ceiling or cooking, I figure either one is helping! So we had just finished up and I was cleaning up the kitchen and got a phone call from my sister.

"How long would it take you to get to my house?"

"Not too long, why, what is going on?"

"A bug just flew into Al's (her husband) ear!"


"We are trying to pack up the van to go to Pennsylvania tomorrow, and a bug just flew into Al's ear, I can see it in there, but I am so freaked out, I can't get it out."

"I think you are going to have to take him the the emergency room, I'm on my way."

"Alright so if we leave, you are coming to watch the kids?"

"Yes, I'm on my way, I'll come right now"

So I rush over to her house, they had already left. Al's daughter 13, and Suzanne's son 10 years old and baby boy 1 (sleeping) were there. They went to a 24 hour clinic open at a local hospital. They waited to see a doctor but they were unable to get the bug out. They could see and hear it, it was still alive and buzzing in his ear!!!! OMG!!! A nurse asked him, would you like me to put a drop of lanacaine in there, it will kill the bug. YES PLEASE!

They had to go to another hospital with a ear, nose and throat doctor who was on call. They waited another two hours and when the ENT exammed him he announced, I don't see a bug!!! Uuuuu, we've been dealing with this for almost 5 hours now, there is a BUG in my ear!!! Well, I guess I can flush it out. (Oh thanks asshole!) Sure enough they inserted a small tube into his ear, put some water in and when they sucked it out, there came the bug! It was a small tan moth.

While I was there, I'd go out to smoke and saw about 20 of these small moths.....I was so freaked out I was standing outside with my hands over my ears!!!!!!!!


At 12:55 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Eww Eww Eww!!!!!! I remember being in school and a teacher telling us how bugs have landed in peoples noses and laied their larve in the nasal cavity. GAG

All of the talking we did last night, and funny you should not mention this story! LMFAO!!!

Love you,

At 9:13 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger SassyFemme said...

ewww, ewww, ewww is right!

I hate bugs, this totally gives me the willies!

At 10:58 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

oh that would freak me out!!! better my ear than my nose tho!

Glad they got it out!



At 12:22 PM, September 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ewww ewww ewww, i guess i would rather it be in my nose, then i could attempt to blow it out! i have enough ear issues.

i don't like bugs!


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