Monday, October 03, 2005


My daughter's school had Homecoming this weekend after their first home football game. She asked for $5 to buy her ticket and was exciting about going.

Me, being 41 years old, thought, Homecoming (as homecoming queen and king) fancy party type dance. So I asked her, "what are you going to wear?" She had said, "I think I'll wear my pink dress." This dress is a sweet little silky chamile type dress with white netting over the top of it. Three small silk flowers decorate the front.

On Saturday night the whole time she is getting ready she is in a panic, "Is this too dressy? They said it was casual." I assured her, "You look beautiful and look, you're going to wear your pink flip flops, that makes it casual." I French braided her hair and took her over to the school.

Now this was held at the high school, she is in a separate building right now as a freshman. So we get a look at what the girls are wearing.........Jeans and Tanks!!!!!!!!!

"OMG Mom!!!! I think this is too fancy!!!" But she sees her friends waiting for her at the door so she gets out and goes over to them. The first thing one of the girls says is...."Look at you, uuu, you're alittle overdressed!!!!!"

I pull away and and now I am in a panic!!!!! I felt like I had just sent her out into a pack of wolves to tear her up with their cruel words!!!!!!!!

So then I have a thought, I can bring her a change of clothes, hmmm, should I? Or will she be OK? I get back home and tell her Dad, they were all dressed in jeans and tanks!!! He said, "Lisa, girls do not wear dresses anymore!!!" So I get her jeans and a sweater together for her and go back over to the school.

I walk in and ask if I can find my daughter Calla, the girls says, sure go ahead. I go into the gym, it's all dark, I see a bunch of kids doing that grinding dance but can not find her!!! On my second swoop through I see her standing with her friends. I went over to her and just touched her back, hey I said softly, and motioned her to follow me away from her friends.

"What is wrong? Is everything OK?" she asks me quite confused! I say, "look I brought you a change of clothes, it's up to you, if you want to change fine if not that is OK too."

She made me so proud! She said, I'm OK Mom! She stayed in her frilly dress and had a good time! I told her, I love you Calla! Have Fun!


At 9:13 AM, October 03, 2005, Blogger Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Aw man that brought tears to my eyes!!! WTG Calla!!!!



At 6:29 PM, October 03, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Woohoo Calla!!!!! She is a strong cookie, just like her momma! Atta girl!

Love you,

At 4:51 PM, October 04, 2005, Blogger Margaret said...

awesome... :)

there is talk about homecoming here too...dont know what we are going to was not ever allowed to go to dances... *sigh*


At 4:58 PM, October 04, 2005, Blogger SassyFemme said...

That was so sweet of you to bring her the clothes to change into it! It was so strong of her not to change and be like the other kids!

At 5:03 PM, October 04, 2005, Blogger A Flowered Purse said...

Man i remember homecoming dances being almost formal! thats so odd about tank tops and Jeans. Remember leave it to beaver where he wanted to wear jeans and a sweater to a sports banquet and ward put his suit in the trunk of the car LOL thats like you! what a sweet mom you are!! thats very very sweet

At 7:34 PM, October 04, 2005, Blogger Karen said...

you are such a good Mom to bring her the change of clothes and I give a big bravo to your daughter for staying in her dress and not caving in to peer pressure:)

At 12:45 AM, October 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:02 PM, October 05, 2005, Blogger author said...

amazing how times have changed huh ?
great post.


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