Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Holiday!

Rick cooked a massive Thanksgiving meal! We had turky, stuffing, smashed potatoes with blue cheese, butternut sqaush and artichoke dip too! We had two pies, (Nobody does it like Sara Lee!) They were good too! Every year for sevral years now, we have celebrated Thanksgiving with Rick's family. This year they did it early and everyone traveled to Pa to Rick's brothers house. We were not able to go, so we had a quiet feast at home with our family.

Winter has come to Upstate NY. We have snow on the ground and have been buring our coal stove non stop! I just looked at our energy bill and another $250 was added last month!!!!!! This is just the beginning of the winter season and they are already slamming us! I have been trying to be so good with making sure lights are turned off when not in use and such......I have a feeling this is going to be a long winter!!

I now know why I want OUT of the is it cold in the morning! The countdown is on with about 29 days left! Man it can't come quick enough!

Have a great weekend everyone!


At 1:52 AM, November 25, 2005, Blogger Nancy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Sounds like it was yummy!

At 5:02 PM, November 25, 2005, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

Your dinner sounds delicious! Rick must be one heck of a cook! :)

Your heating bill....yikes!!! I hope that they cut you a break..soon!

I was thinking of you the other day when Jenn bought the huge thanksgiving paper from Sioux Falls..29 more days, huh? Don't forget to shout " f**k you!" on your last day! LOL

Love you,

PS And yes, no body does it like Sara Lee! :)


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