Saturday, June 11, 2005

Missed Rosie

Oh man I missed her on The View Friday! I love this woman!

I was really sad when she decided to leave her show, but I still had her magazine! Then she lost that and it was a long time she was away. I did see her on Tuesday show and enjoyed it, but heard about her BBQ segment when she was drinking the beer and sangria! Too funny!

I think the reason why I love Rosie is becuz she is a big girl and thinks like me. I was surprised as I felt the exact way about the war in Iraq as she. I had been flipping out from August 2002 when Bush started his rants about Iraq. I was like where the hell is this coming from? I felt they did not have anything to do with 9/11. Yes, we had heard that one of the hijackers had been in Iraq, meeting with some offical and maybe? inquiring money? Nothing was ever concrete though and I am the type of person to look at the facts and the facts were.....

Out of the total number of hijackers 17 or so were Saudi's, a guy from Yemon and I think Pakastan. NOT one of these hijackers were from Iraq? Osama is NOT from Iraq, again another Saudi, he was the one who took credit for 9/11. So I was very confused and to be honest freakin OUT that Bush was starting his Iraq rants! I wrote Hillary Clinton as I am a New Yorker, I wrote many, many congress and house of represenatives including the white house!!! I in no way wanted out nation to attack this country!!

Now I had not seen or heard much news about Rosie for about 2-3 years, just little tid bits about her haircut, her magazine, and taboo. So now I read her blog, and saw her debate Hannity and it confirms why I love this woman so much!!! I do not like war, I am a peacemaker, my hero is Jimmy Carter!! Have you ever heard his Nobel Peace speech? At the very end he says, "what can we learn by killling each other's children?" Please excuse me, that is paraphased by Lisa! But you get the jist.

In my view this is another Vietman, yes I know, no-where near the death toll as Vietnam BUT

It's not's still continues to this day. Children and innocent people bombed and killed daily. I say it is like Vietnam because it is based on the same principals ---LIES!!!!! I got myself in such a tether about this war that I got depressed and no- not I am depressed I've had a bad day depressed. I mean not functioning and look I am wearing the same clothes three days in a row depressed!

I always believed America was "For the people, of the people" When I realized this was not the case I was very sad. What I felt I did not matter, I was unheard, useless, worthless.
In my life time I had not seen protest like this all over the world, before we bombed the shit out of that nation. I was unnerved and frazzled!

Now I read Rosie's blog, she is passionate, she is asking why? How could we do this? Why did we attack this nation!!

This is why I love Rosie!!


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