Monday, February 13, 2006

OMG! What a cluster fuck of a week!!!!!! Last Tuesday at about 6:50am I got a call from my Dad. My mom has had another heart attack and is in the hospital. He sounded horrible and I could barely understand what he was saying, but I did make that out. I rushed up to the hospital and she was just getting ready to be taken for an angeogram. She was still in alot of pain and I should of never even bothered to put on my mascara as it was cried off my face.......They give you a cell phone to let you know when the procedures are done and the outcome. So we waited and then got the call. No blocked arteries, must be stress. This news caused an avalanche of blame......My sister being upset at my father, he has been pretty miserable, which is understandable. So here we are in the waiting room, talking and finger pointing indirectly happening, I am just silent, I can not take much more, I just cry..........I have not idea how it happened, I went to two appointments with my Dad, on two different days, spent hours at the hospital with my Mom but was still able to get in 40 hours at the flower shop, we are trying to get ready for Valentine's Day. They put in a defibulator/pacemaker and sent her home on Friday. She did well until Sat night and then got very sick, puking with dry heaves.....I felt like it was a reaction from the anesthesia, but could not get any meds to help her. Her cardiologist wanted her to go back to the hospital???? OK, lets see, I can get you a prescription for some meds, or have her go back in?? Yeah, go back in??? I was furious!!!!!! The doctor on call was at Chuckie Cheese when I he called my cell!!!!!! He was yelling at his kid, CHELSEA YOU HAVE TO WAIT YOUR TURN!!!!! Kids were screaming and yelling in the background, I thought it was some kind of dream.......My mom is now feeling better, she was able to keep down some soup last night. I now have two days of rose hell on my hands with Valentine's Day tomorrow. But I hope she gets the orders she needs to get rid of her 6000 (Six thousand!!!) roses!!!!!!! Please send prayers and good thoughts for me and my family at this time, we need it!


At 12:26 AM, February 15, 2006, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

You know that I love you and your family are ALWAYS in my prayers! I hope that the Valentine Day rush went smoothly at the flower shop!

Love ya,

At 5:58 PM, February 17, 2006, Blogger Nancy said...

Oh Lisa, I hope that things are better now. Valentine's Day is over and you can relax a bit. I hope your mother is feeling better. I can relate to being pissed at the doctor. Some of them are just asses.

I will be thinking of you and hoping things get better for you and your family.

I hope you will have a good weekend.



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