Sunday, July 30, 2006

Time Flies

Well it's been quite awhile since I have posted. Lots of things happening in my life, my kids being home for summer vacation, working during the daylight hours, opening a new restaurants, taking care of our bulldogs and the house. We lost one of our bullies two weeks ago. Our male Mac was outside, and just collasped and died. We are not sure what happened to him, the worst thing is my son was the one who found him. He went out to see why Romeo was barking and barking but would not come in the house, saw Mac laying next to the garage and called out for him. Fear rushed to his heart he told me as he approached him, calling out, "Mac! Mac!" Rick and I were both at the restaurants and we received a frantic phone call, Mac is dead, Mac is dead. I rushed home, and wanted to keep it together, help my kids, but as soon as I got about two blocks from my home, I burst into tears and was a mess. Our house is much quieter without the big boy, and I do miss my live teddy bear. We had a funeral for him, Ricky wanted everyone to say alittle something about Mac. Calla was sobbing softly and could not speak, I said a few words, how Mac was never really a gentleman for if you bent down to talk to him he would leap up and head butt you as a greeting of hello and then Ricky spoke....."Even though Mac was a knucklehead, we loved him and he was apart of our family"


At 2:06 AM, July 31, 2006, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

I am sorry to hear about your dear Mac. I know that he will be deeply missed.

Love you much,

At 2:47 AM, November 25, 2006, Blogger for_the_lonely said...

I hope that your Thanksgiving was simply wonderful!


At 1:43 AM, May 16, 2007, Blogger Kate said...

I know I haven't posted in a while but sorry to hear about your Bully Miss Macey. Take care of you and the fam.


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