Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina and more

OMG! I am just overwhelmed at the damage caused my this storm. New Orleans is still under water and Katrina didn't even hit that city square on. The pictures and live video feed from helicopters is stamped in my brain.....I saw the governor from Louisiana today on one of the morning shows, she looks so tired and weary. Her heart looked like it has been broken for all her people. One good thing is between Cindy Sheenan and now this storm, Bush's 5 week vacation has been ruined!

Another child was shot last night in the city. I don't have alot of details, just saw the headline and my heart sank. All I know is he was 13 years old.

My sister was not able to make Ricky's birthday party this weekend, so she has asked to take him to Chuckie Cheese tonight for pizza and games! I know he will have a great time!

Monday, August 29, 2005

5 in 5

I am so sad right now. A friend of mine's cousin was killed Saturday night. There has been 5 shootings in 5 days here in Rochester and I am just so overwhelmed with sadness. My friend's cousin was only 18 he was all ready to go to college on a full scholarship. He was not the partying type, always home, or working, studying and trying to get ahead. He had made his family so proud with the scholarship program he put together for himself through his grades and working his heart off. Now he is gone and the family is left to bury him and pick up the pieces. One of the kids shot this weekend was a 2 year old, waiting at a bus stop with his mother by his side, shot in the face by a stray bullet. This city has gone insane and I am so filled with grief

My Boy's Ten!

We had Ricky's birthday party yesterday. All went well, he said he had a great birthday! He wanted a Alien Invasion PS2 game, we found it for him and he yelled when he unwrapped it! Also got him a new bike too!! He is too funny! He belongs to the Toys R Us Birthday Club, so on his birthday I brought him over to the store. He had a coupon plus a $5 bill, we looked at bike while we were there and I saw a really cool chopper style bike with big ol wheels....He said, "That won't work Mom, it has the hand brakes, I can't do them!" So I told Rick , we need to find him a bike that has the brakes on the peddles, but all the bikes that were his size had hand brakes. When we brought him outside to see his new bike yesterday, the first thing he did was grab one of the peddles and spun it round backwards......he let out a little sigh, oh no......

He was convinced that he could not ride a bike with hand brakes!!! Rick coached him and he got the hang of it!!! He finally made the conclusion....."This Bike Rocks!!!" We also bought him the Black Eye Peas CD Monkey Business and a small boom box, I found him on the landing last night with his boom box, headphones plugged in listening to BEP!!! He was a happy boy!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Working Non-Stop

I am!!! We have been so busy trying to get Sara's basement done so AJ can bring his kids up to New York! Rick has been going like a mad man with the drywall! All three bedroom and closets are done, plus the living room too! Now he is putting drywall up on the ceilings and I was helping him today! You should of seen us working together!!!! I was measuring the spaces, he was re measuring!!!! I did help him hold the pieces up so he could screw them in! The mudding and taping has started, it looks really good!!! The bathroom is getting worked on too!! The tub is in, all it needs is the enclosure part up, all the pipes are ready! We have decided that when the mudding and tape is all done, and the sanding....we will just spray the entire basement for now! Rick has access to a paint sprayer and it will go so quick!!! I think we are going to make the deadline!!! I hope so! The plan is they will be here by next Saturday!! Wish us luck!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy Birthday Ricky!
Posted by Lisa

Happy Birthday Little Man!

*August 26th 1995

Ten years ago today I gave birth to my son. It was a very hot summer and I had just climbed into bed, it was about 11pm when I heard and felt my water break! My labor started immediately! I called my mid wife and let her know that my water had broke and I was in labor. She was at a pre season football game in Buffalo, but was on her way back. I was trying to get things ready in my home, I was going to try and have my second home birth. I knew I had dishes in the sink, and I wanted to straighten up things. I never got the chance!!! My labor started to move along very quickly, I was just able to walk, my best method of dealing with the pain. My husband knew my labor was moving along quickly, he reconized all the signs even though I was still thinking I had lots of time! He called the mid wife back and she talked to me through several contractions, she asked me to meet her at the hospital. I was insisting that I was fine, I didn't want to go!!! It was after midnight now and I was still just pacing back and forth through our apartment. Rick kept saying to me, "You are in transition Lisa" (meaning the last stages of labor, right before you can push) I thought he was dead wrong and told him, "NO I am NOT!!!!" I remember being in my living room and I FELT the baby drop down!!! It scared me! Suddenly my mid wife was there.....She had drove like a bat out of hell from Buffalo, never even paid the toll!!! She asked me, "Are you going to have this baby in the living room?" I said, no we have the bed already set up. Rick had made the bed, sheet, plastic sheet and then another sheet over the top of everything. She said, well we better get into the bedroom now!!! I climbed up and she wanted me to try squatting, I couldn't do it, I laid on my side, just like I had when I pushed Calla out. I was so scared because I had torn so bad with my first birth, I didn't want to push! My mid wife encouraged me saying she would talk me through, helping me breath and I wouldn't tear again. I decided to trust her!!!! I pushed only a few times and Ricky was born! His nose was so squished!!! I thought he looked just like my father and I was horrified!!!!! Even Rick said, "Wow you just gave birth to your father!!!!!!" We wrapped him up and I nursed him, he was a very aggressive nurser, a boob boy from the get go!!!! My whole labor took a short two hours and he was here! My mid wife asked me, "Would you like to take a shower?" I said yes!! I got all cleaned up, got into new pajamas, Rick had taken the sheet off the bed and it was all nice and clean, I climbed in and said, "lets wake up Calla to meet her new brother!" She was thrilled!!!! We took several pictures of them together, I had washed him up and had him in a pooh onesie, matching hat and booties! He wore that outfit alot!!! It was about 4am when my mid wife decided she was going to go home. She came back later that day to make sure everything was well. We rested, but I could not sleep, adrenaline rushing through my body, I remember being the only one awake! Even the baby slept!!! Calla helped me make Ricky's first birthday cake that day!!! We had party hats and everything!!!! All my relatives and friends stopped by to see our new boy!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Football season is upon us and I am soooooo excited!!!! I love the NFL and follow mostly all the teams. I do have my favorite team, living in Upstate New York, I root for the Buffalo Bills. I have seen a few pre-season games already and the football bug has bit me big time!!! The Bills actually have their training camp here in Rochester but I have never gone! My kids are used to us watching football all day Sunday, they know that is just what we do! I like to consider myself and AFC girl, but do have some NFC teams I like and root for. I used to be a very big fan of the Bills, wanting them to win and not caring what any other teams did. But a few years ago they dissed a player so bad, I was so disappointed that it changed my view of the organization. Now I still root for them, but I love to see what all the teams are doing.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I am not sure why but I keep thinking about this time when I was a teenager and discovered my sister had a horrible burn on her leg.

"OMG!!! What happened to your leg?" I looked at her taking off the taped gauze she had around the back of her calf. "I was pretty drunk and was standing too close to the fire, I had cords on and didn't even know my pantleg was on fire til it really started to burn me" This was a bad burn, I remember seeing red skin with loads of blister, sore and open. "You better tell Mom, that is really a bad burn" She was scared, "no, I can't tell anyone, she will just get mad and yell, I've been taking care of it for a few days now, can you help me?" I was upset to see this injury, how could she of not known her clothes were on fire. "What can I do to help you?" She pointed to a small tube on her dresser, "give me that stuff over there, I've got to make sure I keep it clean and I've been using that" I looked and saw a tube of neosporin, walked over and got it for her. Carfully we applied as much as she could take, then I helped her wrap it back up and tape more gauze over the wound. She was so brave, she didn't cry, she hardly winced as we medicated it daily. Slowly it started to heal, and finally we decided that she should leave the gauze off it at night to let air get at it. My mother never knew, my sister wore pants the rest of that summer to hide it and no one was the wiser.

I try each day to have open communication with my teenager, I hope if anything ever happens like that to her, she would feel safe enough to come to me so I could help her. My sister got lucky, it never got infected and it healed in time. Things could of gone really bad.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ask Me 3

Ask me 3 questions. I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all. In turn, you post this message in your own blog or journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you.

Thanks Sarah for this idea!!!


A small part of myself is that I am bisexual. I have known this for many years, been involved with women and men all my life. I happened to fall in love with my husband and he asked me to marry him, I wanted to have a family and raise kids, I thought this would be the best way to do it. My husband knows I am attracted to woman, it does not bother him. I am committed to him and our marriage, even though I am attracted to everyone, does not mean I am out having sex with everyone.
I never felt like I was understood in the lesbian community, with the rampant thought of bisexuals are in denial about being gay, they seemed to think I was hiding. I am 41 years old, I know who I am, I know what I like and I know what I am.
I am a bisexual woman, in a committed relationship and I don't really care what other people think. It is sad that I can not find support or understandings from other same sex loving people, and then again most of my "straight" friends know how I feel, but they do not understand either. With gays and lesbians wanting equal rights (which I support whole heartily) You would think that lesbians could accept people like myself, I am not in denial, I am not "on the fence" I am attracted to everyone, male or female, it is just who I am.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Six Feet Under

I have watched all five seasons with such utter awe! I fell in love with all the Fishers and the craziness of their life!
I think this is one of the best shows on TV today and now it is over. I am very sad, but the series finale was just incredible!! I had read and watched each interview with the cast members, they all said it would wrap everything up and as the weeks went by this season I really wondered how they could do it. How could I of even spectulated that Alan Ball could not do it!!!!? He is a genus and has certainly pulled it off!

For the last three shows, I cried almost the entire hour, last night was no different.

Farewell to the Fishers!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Star Light, Star Bright
Posted by Lisa

First Star I See Tonight
Posted by Lisa

Wish I May

Wish I Might, Have The Wish I Wish Tonight......

Chicken Little was in a way right this weekend. The sky was falling!
Bright, sparkling burst of light shooting across the night.

I had heard to expect meteor showers this weekend so we watched carfeully for the clouds to clear and I was able to see three!!! The last one was on Sunday night and when I went to make my wish I realize that I am seeing it come to pass right before my eyes. I understood that my wish is happening and my spirit soared as high as the light that flashed above me!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hide Your Toys

OMG!!!! My son just brought me my purple wand vibrator!!!! "What is this Mom?? You better find a better hiding place!!!!!!!" I replied, "Give me that thing and go wash your hands!!!"

My first toy came about 6 or 7 years ago. I had asked hubby to get me one for Valentines Day. He got me a black one with all kinds of sleeve style attachments, one being a big ol' blue cock. I would not of picked this out, but it was a gift, I think he thought it was funny! So I go to get it one night and there in the big ol' blue cock filled to the brim is---- CHEERIO'S!!!!!!! I knew it was my daughter's way of saying, Look what I found Mom!!!!!!

This is how the conversation went this morning.....

My Son: Now that you told me to wash my hands, I know you've used this

Me: Yes, sex is a apart of life, it is for adults, and you make sure you use protection so girls don't get pregnant!

My Son: I think this is too much information

Me: If you don't want me to talk about sex, then leave my things alone!!!!!!!!!

Not Sure Why

My digestive system is a mess.....I am so afraid of getting sick again so I am going to fast today, give it a break. I did eat more meat than I am used too....but when you have a campfire what do you cook? MEAT!!!
I am hoping that if I give it a break I can avoid getting sick. I was sick for so long this spring, and it was a bummer. I am going to avoid it at all cost!!!!!!

Wonderful Weekend

Oh my what a great time we had!!! The weather was not cooperating the whole time, but we never got too wet! Mostly passing showers, then the sun would come back out!

Friday night I talked some girls into going down to the lake at about 2am and I went chubby dipping, you see I am not skinny!!! Oh what fun!!! There was a platform and I swam out to it...."Lisa, Lisa where are you?" I climbed aboard and whispered loudly...."You can't see me, but you can hear me!!!" SPLAAAAAASH! The girls also braved it and came in too!!! It was wonderful! The lake was 82 degrees! Nice and warm for nighttime mermaids!

Saturday was hot and we spent hours down at the lake, swimming, playing football and tanning! Late dinner, trying to get it together in the dark!!! My kids had so much fun! Calla's friend was able to come afterall and they laughed and giggled constantly! Ricky whittled many sticks with the pocket knife Rick had given him!

Sunday was cooler, we hung out at the our site, made a fire and Rick cooked up 3 racks of babyback ribs.....They were a big hit!!! The teen girls wanting to do a midnight swim too, so my friend Donna (she has twin 15 yr old girls plus they brought a friend) she said, "lets see if they are just talk!" We headed down to the lake when the clock struck 12 midnight and snuck them in! My daughter was very brave! They went in with their cammies and panties! But when they were out there they talked each other into skinny dipping! Donna and I (Brown Bear & Panda Bear) Stood watch on the shore .......First time skinny dipping for all the girls, Calla included and I was there to see and hear it!!! They were giggling like crazy!!!!!! The clouds had cleared that night and all the stars were out over the lake and then the moon peeped itself out and shone across the lake magically!!!

This camping trip has been going on annually for 12 years....There are many people who have come and then next year they are DNI--- Do Not Invite!!! I think we made the grade as I am invited to camp with them again before winter comes!!! All Girls Camping Trip!!! I can't wait!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Next Stop- Keuka Lake! YAY!!!!
Posted by Lisa

Keuka Lake

Well, I still have to get to the store and finish up getting what we need for camping tomorrow.
My kids have asked two children to come with us, all the plans were set, now it looks like it will be just us. Relatives coming in and birthday parties are more important and their friends will not be able to come. I haven't even told my son Ricky yet, he will be very sad.

The sharing food menu did not go over well with hubby, he went and bought a shit load of meat and food to bring with us! "What happens if I'm hungry, do I have to go into someone else's site and start rummaging through their coolers?" I know by now that Rick will not change his mind, better to let him do what he wants then to fight him on this one!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Posted by Lisa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blogging Rocks!

I've been thinking
something has happened to me
since I've been writing

I'm able to process my thoughts
and work out this mess in my brain
sorting and processing
solving and accomplishing

I love my responses
and read them all
encouraging words
from one and all

I type out my dilemma
Re-read it to make sure it's right
And this whole process
Has helped me
To see exactly what I must do

Blogging is the best!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Posted by Lisa


I enter the water
glide through like a butter fly
fluttering on it's wing
Breath deep and submerge
pulling myself through the liquid mass
moving my body
feeling myself getting strong with each pull

I float as though I am weightless in the water
effortless, relaxing, cooling
All noise is muffled
only when I surface can I hear faint mumblings, or laughter
I dive under to escape the world
It is quiet and soothing

I am alone
I am one in the wetness
All things fade
No one but me
The mermaid

Girls Night Out

Saturday we all met to do karaoke! Oh what fun!!! Singing, dancing and laughing!!

The girls decided that they would help me do the papers after we left the bar!! OMG!! What a complete riot!!!!!!

I was early going into the warehouse to get them together, my boss looked at his watch and then just said....."I don't want to know!!!!" LOL!

My mom called (several of my relatives are on my route) Are you OK? Aunt Ginny called and asked if you were sick because she was convinced you did not deliver her paper....sorry AG, I know it was not in the "normal" spot, but you did get your Sunday paper!!!!!!! My mom promised to not tell AG that I had my crew with me!!!

Oh should one person have this much fun!!!!!?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Posted by Lisa

Countdown is On

I went to a camping meeting last night!!!! Since there is so many people we broke it up into two groups for meals. I am apart of a group that is about 23 people including kids. Everyone is to bring enough of their item to help feed the group. This helps cut down on what we all have to buy and pack, plus it ensures there will be enough food and variety!!!

Calla has not been too wild about going, she asked to bring a friend. I was not sure if this would be a good idea, but after last night's meeting, everybody's kids are bringing a friend, she has asked a sweet girl to come with us. Calla is THRILLED!!!! We will set up a tent just for the kids! After Ricky found out she was bringing a friend he has asked to bring one of his cousins....the list just keeps getting bigger and bigger!!!!!

We have one boat for sure, but since there is about 50 people coming, we have looked into renting an additional boat. Can anyone say 'tubing?"!!!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

In Loving Memory of Sarah K

In the few short weeks I read your words I learned so much

You taught me to:




Appreciate Life

Hug More

Confirmed Y I love Pooh

Appreciate Art

Adore My Family

Thankful For My Health

Speak I Love You

Spontanious Kindness

To Be Grateful

Inspired Me To Soar

To Believe in Angels

You will be missed but always remembered

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


What is it about this dark velevty substance
So smooth and sweet
Melts away in your mouth
covers the inside
swirls on your tongue

Take it hot
or even cold
room tempature
does not matter

As soon as you unwrap it
heavenly scents fill the air
the wonderful sensation
enters your mouth
with such glee and awe

It goes with just about everything
nuts, fruit or even drinks
they even have chocolate covered bugs to eat

It does not matter
what time of day or night
Chocolate is alright!

*this post inspired by Thanks Dianna!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Beach

Hee heeeeeee!!! Taking the kids back to the beach today! It is supposed to be a hot one and perfect to be in the sun and near the water!!!

I am getting ready for our camping trip to Keuka Lake next weekend. Trying to get all the little things you need when you camp in a tent!!! We will be camping with about 40 people from the Rochester area.......should be fun!!! There will be a boat and two jet ski's (which I have never riden before!!) I am hoping for great weather next weekend!!! It's a drag if it rains and your stuck in a (wet) tent.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Oh I had just spanked Donna here..... even Rick thought it was funny!!!!!!!
Posted by Lisa

I had just finished my cartwheek here, I said the last time I did cart wheels I didn't have these boobs! Talk about a Boob Lift!
Posted by Lisa

Donna getting fresh with Rick!!
Posted by Lisa

Here we are doing Tequilla Poppers, This is Rhonda
Posted by Lisa

This is Donna and she was spanking everyone. she asked me, OK you spank me now, well I gave her a good one!!!!
Posted by Lisa

Hellava Weekend

Ok lets see........Friday Night, invited to Happy Hour at our friends house, drank Mad Dog 20/20 for the first time since the 1970's!!!! Everytime I got ahold of that bagged bottle I'd raise it and shout out TO 1978!!!! Then again the next time I had it in my hands....TO 1979!!! That and Boonsfarm Wine was my first drinking experience!!! We also did tequilla poppers! And lots fo Corono's too! By the end of the night I had shared that I showed my kids I could do cart wheels again and the girls all went out in the grass and we did lots of cartwheels and I even did a round off!!! LMAO!!!! I was sore the next day!! Saturday I made wonderful stuffed zucchni and also came up with a great new summer drink! Coconut Rum, pineapple juice and slash of mint juice that I made with fresh mint! It was good and went down easy! The stuffed zucchni was a hit too!!! Sunday we spent at Rick's mom, cooking steaks and enjoying the sunshine. Rick and I are entered in a Horse Shoe tournament in two weeks and I have never played, we practised yesterday so I could get the hang of it. Rick's brother is moving back to NY with his four kids, he is moving in with Saralynn in her 3 bedroom ranch. They are finishing up her basement to make room for everyone. AJ has been in North Carolina for almost 10 years now, his marriage is over and he needs his family to help him right now.