Is there a way to laugh about this?
More Smiles, More Laughs, More Love
Thursday, July 28, 2005
I see alot of animals and wildlife on my route in the morning. I have stopped and fed horses apples that I brought from home. I am not sure if the farmers mind, but I do it anyways!
One morning I even saw a baby cow just born! The calf laid on the ground surrounded by all the female cows! The mother was upset and was licking her baby, but trying to shoo the nosey girls away! I stood and watched for almost an hour, the little thing struggling to get up on all fours! He finally did and then I went on my way!
Today I was surprised to see a flock of wild turkeys!!! I think there was about 8-10 hens that must of been spooked and they landed right in the front yard of one of my customers! It is a small village of about 5000 people, but I had never seen turkeys before!! My windown was open and I pulled up about 3 or 4 feet away from them slowly. I gave alittle gobble gobble and they all started!!!!! LOL!!! :)
I had my camera in the car but of course my batteries were too low, it wouldn't boot up to take a pic.
I did get a shot of these deer yesterday though......I know you can't tell, but there was a baby with these females!!! A sweet little spotted fawn! I spoke to them too!!! They all turned and looked at me, I took the picture and then they gracefully ran away, their white tails wagging in the wind!
Oh shit!!!!! I just let me daughter read my previous post "When"
Not a good she is mad at me................ Again.
I can't win....I didn't think it was so bad? Maybe for a 14 year old?
I found the nature trails today and my son and I really enjoyed ourselves!!! It is an awesome park with wildflowers and a half mile trail through the woods. We stopped and looked at all the little posts with information about deer, raccoons, opossums and turtles.
We had fun, got our exercise and were able to talk too! My daughter didn't want to go, I told her, we all need to do this. I will take her next time for sure!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
When will you let it go
When will you realize this is your family
When will you accept
You are not an only child
When will you see
I love you both the same
One is easier
But the love is the same
Will we ever be at peace
Or will it always be the same
Will I ever measure up
Will you ever accept me
There is not hand book
for mother hood
I have been shooting from the hip
but my love is strong
my hope for your life is alive
I believe in you
I took my kids hiking!!!!!!! LMAO!!!
Ok the plan was, go to some nice trails close to my home. I wanted to make our daily walking regime alittle more spicey! I could not find the place so we ended up at this huge county park. I figured, I know they have trails here, we might as well stop and do our walking.
We get out and start up this one path. Of course everyone has their own ideas of where they want to go, lets stay together!!!! As soon as we agree on one path, we turn a curve and it heads up and up and up!!!!! I just kept walking, pushing myself to get to the top. My kids are slowly coming up, yelling the whole way!!!
"Mom, lets go this way, it's easier.....Mom wait up, can we go this way??? and finally my son cracked me up with......Mom, I am not made for this!!!!!!!!!"
We made it, we walked on stone path, dirt path and even sand!
Everyone was red faced and thirsty by the time we got back to the car....I had a huge gallon of ice water waiting for us!!! Surprisingly, my daughter has asked to go again!!!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Ok.......I have decided. Everytime he says something stupid about the kids diets, or does not support me is what it really comes down too. I am going to say something. Thats it, stop it in it's tracks!
I took my kids to the park today, we sweated our asses off flying kites!!! They came home and swam, and we just finished our walk. I will get this family in shape if I have to kick and scream the whole way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have lost 25 pounds so far and I feel great!!!!! I am in shorts that I could not of worn last summer and bought some cute summer tops too!!!
I am not going to let him ruin this.......I refuse!
Alittle Rant
I am so pissed off!!! I have told you before my kids are overweight. My daughter more than my son but both could stand to loose some weight. My peditrician is having a fit!
Ok so I 've been making sure we walk or swim together, cleared out my house of "junk food" But I still see my daughter is always eating!!!! One of the main reasons she got so big was when she was about 9 or 10 I gave up. I know, I am a horrible mom, but I had been fighting her about eating constantly for a few years and I got really sick of it. I just let her go and do what she wanted, not my best decision in life.
So I am trying to get back what I've messed up. Trying to get my family healthy and smaller!
My husband is fighting me the whole way and I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few weeks ago he made chicken wings....ok I know, not the best choice of food, but I had offered fruit too and some potatoes. So I had 3 wings, some fruit and I felt full. I was done, felt good. I see my kids have 4 and 5 wings on their plates (now these are big fresh wings that we dip and fry) OK, Lisa, just let it go. The next thing I know he is making MORE wings!!! I was like WTF?? I pull him aside later and ask him?? What was up with that?? Why did you make more?? They already had enough!!!
Friday night, out at my sister in laws, getting close to dinner, lets order a pizza. Ok I have one piece and I know, I'm drinking beer with it, but I felt full. I see my son, he has had two pieces than goes for a third. After he is done, he asks? Can I have more pizza? I said, how many have you had? He says 2....I look at him?? How many? He confesses, umm 3. I say no, you are done.
Asshole speaks up and says, Oh you can have another piece!!!!!! I can not stand it, I was already peaved at him for something (can't remember) and I say, NO I said he is DONE!!! He is 9 years old and 3 pieces of pizza is plenty! Of course, I'm the asshole for getting mad and saying anything loudly!!! LOL!!
Sunday night, at the Lake. Cooking out ham and hots, also available corn, potatoe salad, mac salad and green salad. We are trying to figure out how much to cook, how many hamburgers do you all want. Calla speaks up, I'l have two, I say quickly, Calla you can have one hamburger, there is plenty of other things you can eat, you don't need 2 cheeseburgers.
*alittle side note here, Calla has learned from her father how to make the ultimate cheeseburger. Lots of mayo, lettuce and ketchup on a big ol' roll. So I am not talking cheeseburger like Micky Dee's cheeseburger (small)
Ok so I know she is pissed that I have said, have some "other" things with your dinner, you don't need 2 cheeseburgers. So the next thing I know, she tells me, "daddy said I could have a hot dog and cheeseburger." I was again like WTF????????? Ok, there is corn, green salad, both things I knew she will eat. So she ends up eating 2 pieces of corn, a hot dog and mega cheeseburger.
I just got off the phone with him and asked him......"when are you going to get it Rick??? When she is 300 pounds???" Asshole
Question List
I got this from Kate at
What I was doing 10 years ago: Ok lets see, ten years ago I was very pregnant with Ricky (born August 26th) It was a very hot summer just like this one and I spent almost the entire summer in our bedroom, the only place we had an air conditioner! I used to cry when I heard the weather report! (Today high near 90 and humid, tomorrow more of the same)
5 years ago: I worked at a flower shop with three elderly people. All either 70 or close to it. Did you know that old people are miserable?
5 snacks I enjoy:
1) chips and salsa
2) veggies and dip
3) yogurt with fruit
4) chocolate chip cookies
5) pretzels (the big hard ones)
Songs I know by heart
Ummmm, I'm a singer so I know lots of song!! Ok lets see
Ray Charles- Georgia (anything RC) Bad Company- Silver, Blue and Gold and Shooting Star, Fiona Apple- Fast as I can, Stevie Wonder-Summersoft, Carol King entire Tapestry CD
5 things I would do with 10 million dollars:
1) Pay off my house as well as a list of family's houses & debts
2) Set up college funds for my kids
3) Buy a home near the water
5) Buy a new PT Cruiser!
5 locations I would like to visit:
1) England (again!)
2) Australia
3) The Tropics
4) Thailand
5) New Zealand
5 bad habits I have:
1) Yelling
2) hate house work
3) negative mantra in my brain
4) smoking
5) get stressed when my family has to "be" somewhere
5 things I like doing:
1) walking
2) swimming
3) laughing with friends
4) adventures w/my kids
5) Painting
5 TV shows I like:
1) Six Feet Under
2)All My Children
3) NFL Football
4)American Idol
5) Will and Grace
5 biggest joys of the moment:
1) my friends
2) my family
3) being outside near water
4) my bullies
5) I love my gems stones!
favourite toys:
1) does my purple wand count?
2) the cell
3) my digital camera
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I've Been Tagged!
Sarah from The Rose has tagged me........ (thanks Sarah!!!)
Ok my top ten turns on and turn offs.
These are my top ten turn ons in no particular order.
1. Smart
2. Sense of Humor (can laugh at themselves and make others laugh)
3. Animal Lover
4. Heart of a Child (openess to do new things, try new ways, adaptable)
5. Likes Adventure
6. Good Massager!
7. Handsome or Pretty
8. A Giver
9. Some one who knows how to relax, and be calm
10.Blue Eyes and Nice Smile
These are my top ten turn offs in no particular order
1. Body Order
2. Sweaters on their teeth
3. Greasy hair LOL!!
4. A Downer
5. A Know it all
6. Never willing to change
7. Unfaithufullness
8. Player
9. Self Centered
10.Self Absorbed
Ok Now I am suppose to tag three more people......Wanda, Dianna and Kate! Lets Hear Yours!
Friday, July 22, 2005
My Biggest Regret Part 2
I am not sure where to begin, as it is a story that has so many facets.
I guess I will start at the beginning.
I had an experience with god when I was about ten years old. I had asked Jesus in my heart and I felt something. It was at a Baptist church where they had shown a film about the crucifixion and resurrection. I do question the whole thing now, later in my life as I was just a child.
My teens years were pretty crazy and I didn't attend a church at all through out this time in my life. At about the age of 21 or 22 I turned to god again, now I do remember feeling like I had something happen to me, like I did meet god.
I am a extremist, I have always been this way. I thought I needed a church where there was excitement, something "happening" I found this in The Potter's House.
I am going to give names of these "churches" that I feel are very abusive, and controlling and at the very root, cults. They go under the names of The Potter's House, Victory Chapel, The Door and New Life. They are all associated with Christian Fellowship Ministries out of Prescott AZ.
If you ever see one of these places in your city, run, please keep your loved ones away! They prey on the young, people who have just moved into new cities and people with addictive personalities.
I have spoken with many people who are now out. Some feel that the beginning stages of the "church" in Rochester was good. "It started out so good but then went hay wire and way off"
I do not believe this. I feel it was a cult the day I walked in til the day I walked out.
My husband and I disagree on this very point. He does not see it the same way I do. Of course why would he? In this organization men are the king, to be revered and worshiped. Woman on the other hand are just a means to get what men want. Ministry, sex, kids and a family. Why is it that Christianity has such a low opinion of woman and that we are so low on the totem pole? It did not matter where we went after we were out of the potter's house, or potty house as I like to call it now.....No matter where we went, woman were viewed as not as smart as men, not to be trusted, the weaker of the two sexes. I did not want to be apart of this type of organized religion and still do not want to be.
When you see people out on the street handing out tracks (little pamphlets) that was....(now cringing) >me. When you hear a rock and roll band playing out in a park, but they have changed all the words to say, get saved, you need Jesus that was....(still cringing) > me. If you have had someone knock on your door and invite you out to a movie or play at a church that was....(completely embarrassed) > me. If it is Halloween and you hear about a great haunted house and you go only to see scenes from hell depicted and the answer for you not to end up there, that was......(omg I still can not believe it) > me.
The potty house is confrontational evagilism. Not, just wait to have the holy spirit lead you, just get in the persons face, tell them exactly how it is, get saved or burn, evangelism. This does not go over well with people. Well I should say we did see some results, but most people, no this does not sit well with.
They claimed we were doing a work for god, building Jesus' church. After so many years all I saw was destruction. People who had been coming for years were leaving, visitors would come for one service and never come back. Of course it was the devil, he was fighting us all the way.
I could no longer bear it. They kept me busy for years and years. Something going on at "church" almost every night. When we got out, both my husband and I were exhausted. We literally did not leave our house at night for years! Ok, ya know occasionally we had someone's birthday or something, but other than that, we were home, exhausted trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to us.
I have been out for almost 7 years now. My husband never thinks about our time there. "Out of sight out of mind" is his mentality. Believe me I've gone rounds and rounds with him on this issue!!! My gosh I think that was the only thing I talked about for the first year I was out!!!
My regret was so deep, to realize how stupid I had been for sooo long was devastating to me.
I recently was at the doctors office and saw that he had described me as "post traumatic stress disorder" I left and just cried and cried. Yes, people who get out of abusive relationships suffer with ptsd, or people who see war suffer from ptsd, and yes, people who have been brainwashed and told how to live suffer from ptsd.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
My Biggest Regret
People think about cults and suddenly their mind goes to shaved heads, living in communes, men with several wives, and of course drinking Kool aid and Waco. I am here to say that there are several cults that operate in all cities across this nation.
I know, starting from 1986 and continuing for 13 years I was in a cult. This cult was a very strict born again religion. The pastor had the ulitimate say in all decisions in your life, who you date and marry, where you work, if you own a home or not. There are "churches" out there that believe they have the special gift from God. Now if you are young and get caught up in the hype of experiencing God's love you can be fooled very easily. They use brainwashing tatics, using same phrases over and over again through out their preaching and it tricks your brain. Now I did not live in a commune but the "church" dictated your daily schedule and keeps you very busy. It's a combination of things that happen for people to get involved in cults. They make you feel special, and use this tatic of bombardment love. You go to visit a church service and we would go to work to "lock" you into our church. I am using the word "lock" the same way they taught us to. "After a visitor becomes a convert you must tie them into the flock, get them locked into our church." Of course this came under the guise of caring for you and your family, we were taught that you earned ministry by ministering, having people over to your home for dinner and such. I met my husband in this cult and we just celebrated our 18 yr of marriage. We have been out since 1998. I was the one who had enough and told him I could no longer attend. Of course that meant we would be getting divorced, as lots of people who left did in fact get divorced, but it was not because they left, it was because of what made them go there in the first place. I am very ashamed that I was involved in this organization, it is as my title says, My Biggest Regret.
I stared this blog in April, have made some wonderful friends and like to read what is happening in everyone's life. This is a part of me, this has shaped me into the woman I am today.
When I left I walked around in a fog for years!!!! Really, I felt like I had come out of a time machine, went in in 86 and came out in 98. I mourned for years the lost time I was in that place. I had to work hard to restore relationships with my family because if you were not in the "church" you did not know anything. I think I apologized to every single person in my life after I got out.
I will explain some things I used to believe. Of course gays and lesbians were sadly confused, and living a lie, abortion was wrong in every situation, hollywood was evil and if you watched movies and TV, you were allowing garbage in.
Once I got out, I had to figure out who Lisa took me some time to decide. I had forgotten who the real me was.
I no longer believe gays and lesbians are confused or living in sin. They are people just like me who fall in love with people just like me. I am both pro choice and pro life, which for me was very hard. I don't think I would ever abort a child, but do not want that option taken away for others. It is a personal decision. Now I see that hollywood is just entertaiment, you can choose what you want to watch and you are not going to hell if you even like to view porn.
One of the sad things about me being involved in this cult is I felt like I was raped my the bible, or at least molested. They used the bible as a weapon, to keep you in line and do what they wanted. I tried to read it again soon after I was out, but all I kept seeing was the way they had twisted all the words. I have put that on hold for now, it's been a few years since I tried to read it. I also told God, I don't have a problem with you, but sure do with "your people" This has been a hard post to write, I have tried several times to get it out, but then delete the whole thing and never have published it. I have heard people say to me, Lisa there must be some good things you got out of that experience? I have come up with one good thing.....I AM OUT!!!!!!! I'll write more later, this is all I have right now
Shhhh Don't Tell
My bedroom door has been off it's top hinge for.....oh I don't know, it's been awhile! You kinda have to manuver it to open and close. I have asked hubby for.....oh I don't know, it's been awhile, to fix it!
So now BOTH hinges are off! The fucking thing is kinda propped up against the wall!!!!
Well now I am mad!! You have to fix our bedroom door! Today!!!!
Ok, I will, just got to get my drill and where are those new screws I bought?
OMG!!!! Those screws that were in the plastic grocery bag on my counter for weeks? Those screws that were in the plastic grocery bag that I would move back and forth to clean up for weeks? Those screws that were in the plastic grocery bag that I threw OUT!!!??
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I didn't have the heart to tell him, I just threw them away two days ago!!!
I asked him this morning, I can go get more screws, tell me what kind to get.
No I'll have to just go and get more, they are a special kind that open up after you screw them in.
Let's just keep this out little secret!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Why Dogs Smile and Chimpanzees Cry
I saw a wonderful documentary on PBS recently. It is narrated by Sigourney Weaver and it looks at the possibility that animals have emotions similar to humans. They look at the scare factor, animals knowing when there is danger and reacting by running away and fleeing. To support the theory that animals have feelings, fright is a powerful response.
One wildlife film maker spent several months following a herd of elephants in Africa. The matrioch had a baby boy elephant, but the film crew was sad when they saw that this little baby elephant was not standing up on all fours. He was sort scuffing around on his knees. His front legs seem to not be able to support him. Right after his birth the mother would try to get him up on his feet over and over but the poor boy didn't have enough strength to do it. The filmmakers were so upset thinking that this baby elephant would eventually get an infection in his front legs and die.
The herd was moving out, they needed to get to the watering hole. The baby elephant was about 2 days old at this point. The mother also had a older baby, a girl and sister to the new elephant. The herd moved out and the mother was trying very hard to get the baby up and moving!! The baby was upset, crying out at his mother's persistent prodding. The sister was leaving she was going with the rest of the herd to the watering hole. BUT, she couldn't leave!! It showed her walking with the rest of the herd, but always looking back to her mother and brother. The baby boy cried out and the sister could not bear it!! She RAN back to her mother and brother yelling the whole way! The rest of the herd moved on and left the family behind. The mother and daughter tried, putting both trunks up and under the baby boy's belly, trying to lift him up. They would walk a few steps to try and get to the watering hole, stop and wait for the boy to catch up. It made me in such awe to see these large animals caring so much for their young!
Around the 4th day after the boy's birth, he started to rock up on his front feet. He just kept rocking and rocking, gathering strength in his legs. Sure enough, he was up on all fours and had the strength to now walk correctly! They concluded that his mother's womb was too cramped for him and his front legs never were able to stretch out until after his birth. Bravo for the mother!! She never left him alone, bravo for his sister who was one of his biggest helpers!
Ok now for the funny part!!!! I have two children, my first born a girl and second child a boy. Ricky has had trouble with his gross motor skills. He has had occupational therapy for years. He runs and falls constantly. Poor boy! We started a walking program recently and I am so reminded of the momma and sister elephant, coaching our little boy along!! Come on Ricky, keep up with us!!! The poor boy has had two "mothers" since he was born!!!!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Big Black Bra
As I shared with you in my last post, on Friday night I had to get out of the house. I escaped to my sister in laws and then we ended up at Lisa's and swam and hung out in her pool.
So before we got to Lisa, we were all sitting on Saralynn's deck, chatting about our week. Lisa had just come in from a a graduation party and was very warm. She kept flapping her shirt and waving her hand in front of her face. Finally Kate spoke up and said, "we should go in your pool!" I quickly announced, "I have my suit!!!" It was a plan!
I changed at Saralynn's house and we walked down to Lisa's.
It got to be close to 1am and Lisa said, hate to cut you off short, but I have to get in bed. The music and lights were turned off and we said our good byes.
I walked Saralynn back to her house, and when I saw the time I decided to just get my clothes and drive home in my bathing suit. When I woke up the next day to go to work, I had no bra!
Ok, now a bit of a confession. If any of you have seen any pics I have posted of myself, I am a big girl and I have some big boobs too!!!!!! Please do not take it as I am bragging, there really is nothing to brag about!!! So buying bras is not the easiest thing for me to do, I have about 3 or 4 bras and that one (the big black bra) is my best bra I own!
I called Saralynn and left a message, I think I left my bra at your house, can you look for it, oh I know, you have it on and have stuffed it!!!! Or better yet, your ass is about as big as my boobs, so I know you are wearing it as some kinda of butt lift!!!! LMAO!!!!
On Sunday I was still thinking about.....I need to get that big black bra back!!! So I give her a call. Hey, did you get my message about my bra? Oooo yeah, but haven't seen it. Uuu, look in the bathroom ok? So she finds it. OK, I'm gonna come over I need that big black bra!
So I pull up in front of her house and I look.........There on her lamp post in her front yard is my big black bra!!! They had hung it right from the shoulder straps and even put some silk flowers coming out the bosom part!!!!!!! I laughed, but also said, I am not going to get that big black bra down, then everyone will know it is mine, I also said under my breath, I'm gonna kill her!!!
I walk in to the house and Saralynn and Kate are SQUATTING down in front of the big picture window tee heeing and giggling, they had to see my reaction!!!
When I was ready to leave, Saralynn said, Don't forgot your big black bra!!! I said, I am not going to take that thing down, so all your neighbors know it is mine!!! She came outside with me, took the thing off the lamp post but with a very loud voice announced:
Friends- You gotta love 'em!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Well, it's only been a few weeks since school has been out and already my kids are driving me nuts!!!! My 14 yr old is in rare form, acting like no-one can tell her anything. Granted she is a teenager and it is to be expected, but Calla has been like this since she was about 8 or 9. I was hoping she would work it out and maybe we would could avoid the problems that come thru out the teen years. So far it looks like it is not to be so.
I had to escape last night, she had me so upset I knew if I even said anything to her it would not end good. I went to my sister in laws house, drank a few beers and we ended up swimming in Lisa's pool for several hours. A nice break!
I struggle with Calla, she has been quite a challenge as I am only able to "guide" her as best as I can. She has mind of her own and knows everything. It really wears on me. I am constantly trying to tell her, I am the mother, not you. This struggle has been going on for years and years and I see no end in sight. Well maybe after she moves out, so I have about 3 or 4 more years!
She is dishonest, tells me one thing to order to do what she wants, then I find out the truth and it pisses me off. I have called her on it, time and time again, but she acts as if I have heard her wrong in the first place to still insists she was "right" This type of behavior will not work well in life, never willing to take responsibility for her actions. I have told her, how do you think a boss would feel about you spinning the truth constantly to avoid any consequences. I am afraid it will all catch up with us sooner or later. I am holding my breath at this point.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
OMG!! Can you imagine?? We went to the beach!! The beach where you are in the least possible clothes you can be or you look kinda foolish!!!!
It was refreshing to see all the people there, no one minded if you had an extra belly or two! There were plenty of people with extra weight!
I now realize that by me even feeling a need to write this shows how much our society or maybe just myself are consumed with skinny minnies!!
I didn't feel any looks until late in the day....have you ever felt the looks? Like how could let this happen to yourself and your family "looks"..You bad, bad, person looks.
She was skinny, so was her boyfriend and all of her kids too.....oh well, I did my best just to ignore her!!
And ya know what? Hamlin Beach is only 30 minutes away, we will be going back!!!
Hamlin Beach
Yesterday when I got home from work, I noticed Rick's car was home. He didn't go into work.
I decided we should get out and do something!!! We came up with Hamlin Beach State Park.
It was a beautiful day, we BBQed, swam, walked and laughed!
A fun day for everyone! Enjoy the pics!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Interview Me
Here's how it works:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions -- each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.Here were my questions and responses from Sarah..thanks girlie! This was fun!
Oh yes, and if someone does say interview me, do I just make up the next 5 questions or is there a list to follow?
1. You have just won the lottery...what do you do with the money?
I would pay off my house and all my siblings houses, including my hubby's siblings too!
2. If you could only have one possession, what would it be?
This is tough, but I guess it would be my saphire ring my hubby bought me on my 40th birthday. It is my medal of honor!!! I made it to 40!!! Plus I dragged his ass out to the mall in the middle of a blizzard to purchase it right on my birthday in the middle of Jan, we were the only ones in the mall that night and so much fun!!! He had given me a rough amount I could spend, but went over (by alot!!!) he said, I like this one the best- get it! I love my ring!!!
3. What is your fav dream car?
I would love to have a fully loaded PT Crusier! I think those are some cool cars
4. What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is my kids will become addicted to drugs, not pot, but harder drugs, mostly I fear crack becuz it changes your very being and once addicted it is very hard to get clean and stay clean.
5. Your town will soon have a hurricane hit you stay at your house or flee for safety?
I am OUTTA of here!!!
Giant Pandas
Well considering the week the world has had, I decided to share with you some good news!!
Mei Xiang (pronounced May Shong, meaning beautiful fragrance) the giant panda in Washington DC has had a baby. It is her first birth and she seems to be caring for the infant well. Zoo officials have not been able to determine the sex of the cub, Mei is doing a great job as a mother and they do not want to disturb them.
My son and I have been watching in on a panda cam set up in Momma's pen, the cub is very small but go and check it out! Oh it is so cool to see her clean him and cuddle with this little cub!!! Bookmark the spot for in days to come hopefully the cub will grow and be more visible!
Something wonderful happening in Washington is a rare thing these days!!!!
Giant Pandas - National Zoo FONZ
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Considering it is summer and people are BBQ-ing often......
I want to share alittle thought!
Please remember your squash!!
Yellow Squash and Zucchini is in abundance right now!
A very affordable vegetable that is wonderful marinated in Italian Dressing
(heck I just sprinkle some on and throw them on the grill!!)
Wash them up, slice them lengthwise (long strips) add your It Dr and grill!
They are good warm with your meal, plus excellent on a little cracker right from the fridge the next day!!!!
Very yummy to eat, inexpensive to buy and good for you too!
So stop by and pick some up today!!! LMFAO!!
I am so excited!!! Ok first off.......
I am a tea person, no coffee for me! I have tried to drink coffee several times, and all I end up with is a stomach ache!!! But I have always liked tea, there is something about tea! So soothing and relaxing!
So my friend in England turns me onto this great tea called PGTips. Oh my this is the best tea ever!!!!! Freakin' puts Lipton to shame!!!!!
When I came back from England I brought back with me like over 100 teabags, plus a tea pot!! I should get a picture of it, it is quite lovely! For months, I would send her money thru paypal and she would send me out my tea!!! I also found a wonderful decaff tea too called Typhoo.
Well, the last exchange of money for tea never happened!!! I sent the money, but never got the tea!! I forgive her, she is very busy and I know it sits on her computer desk waiting to get shipped out! So I have been tealess for months...I did try Red Rose, but still no comparison to the smooth taste of PGTips!
Well HOT DAMN!!! I was grocery shopping this morning and low and behold, there in the "International" aisle.......PGTIPS!!! A box of 80 bags!!! YAHOOOOO!!!! I also saw Typhoo too but decided to get my PGTips first, next week-Typhoo! Oh I know I'm crazy paying $5.50 for 80 tea bags, but you don't understand how good it is!!! I now know why there was even a Boston Tea Party!!! Sorry, but American tea just does not compare!!!! I'm sipping a huge mug of it right now!! So happy and content!!!!
Oh and did you know that "Tea" is perhaps the second most evocative three-letter-word word in the English language. Discovered about 5,000 years ago, "the lusty leaf," as it was called by early 18th century preachers who considered it a troublemaker, has caused wars and presided over the most peaceful moments. Struggles over the tea trade threw the two largest empires of the 19th century against one another, and shaped the world map as we know it today.
And one more thing about tea....I've been making ice tea for my family, well my kids are so spoiled from this wonderful English tea that when I would use Red Rose, they would say, Mom, that tastes like sweet water, NOT tea!!!
Ok now for some other good news!!!! I love to save photo's and graphics from the net. I also have wanted to use some pics I have found up here on my blog.....So I search out images and go to save them, right click and use "save as" Well the freakin' things would be in art or bitmap, saved but never to be use again!!!!!! In order to post anything here, or even send out in an email everything has to be in jpeg! Sooooo frustrating!!! I finally figured it out and was able to save my settings to save in jpeg!! YEAH!!!!! Be aware, lots more graphics and pics to come!
Have a great weekend everyone!!! Boy it seems we just had a weekend!!! This week went fast!!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Devil Dog
Well, just got back from a three hour tour, a three hour tour
*sung to Giligan's Island theme
Just sit right back and I tell you a tale
A tale of a naughty dog
Who ran and ran and ran some more
and now sleeps like a log (sleep likes a log)
Romey is our youngest pet
He loves us yes indeed
But if he gets a chance to run
He forgets it's us he needs
I noticed that the back door
Was left unlocked and open
I asked Is Romey in his cage?
To my dismay it was nope ing!
Get in my car and search and look
ask neighbors everywhere
have you seen a bully
running over here
Yes, we saw him a awhile ago
He scared us and we jumped!
I saw him and he looked hot
running towards that lot
I cried and I worried
and had a very bad feeling
he has never been gone this long
My emotions were reeling
After three long hours
I had almost given up
Will we ever see him again?
Where is that devil dog our loving pup
I went back down the road
That he tends to always go
Hey Carol has him in her truck
He's a heavy load
We got him back
and sprayed him down
he was panting really bad
but now he has the fan on him
he's a happy lad
So we got our little bully boy
He's safe and in his cage
Please be careful and watch your dogs
Don't let them run away
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Morning Glories
My favorite annual flowers are morning glories. I love the wonderful blues, pinks and delicate whites of this flower.
I have learned so much from morning glories!
They have a hard protection shell that has to be nicked in order for germination to begin.
Oh how I wish I could guard my heart like that
Once you soak the seeds, they pop up quick, showing their little sprout with in a day or so, and when planted they spring forth quickly with their heart shaped green leaves, always reaching higher.
I am like that also, when I see something I like, I go at it with passion and determination. I am a self taught artist, writer and singer
Once they are established plants they cling to anything, climbing upwards and wrapping themselves round and round.
Yes, I have the tendency to do this also, clinging to people or things that should be let go
The best part of morning glories are the blooms, the magnificent colorful trumpet opening each day, welcoming a fresh start, a new beginning.
Let me please learn that everyday is a new day, let go of the past and move forward
As the day turns to night they fade, they curl up and getting ready for the next day.
Yes, I am like morning glories, they have taught me to rest, to take care of myself and be willing to move ahead!
Have you ever got invited to a party and confirm with the people you are coming, then this or that happens and the day of the party comes and you like OMG we have that party to go to? So to keep your word, you make an appearance, go and talk, have a drink, smile and then get the hell out of there?
Well that is NOT what happened when I went to my party on Sunday!!! Something just clicks, everyone is having a great time, you start drinking and talking, laughing and singing and before you know it, you're over the edge, you've past the point of no return and it does not matter if your spouse is saying, Let's go, or you have to work in the morning, it does not matter! You are having fun and you know it' s something you have to run with so you stay!!
It started out as a normal party, took you forever to get your shit together to get there! But when you do, people are so happy you came, they are warm and friendly, people that you have just met are super nice and you talk to them like you've known them for years! I suppose coming with a bag full of cigars is a great way to enter a party! My husband likes the occasional cigar as do I and he got a great deal on three different types, so he started passing them out right when we got there!!! Great Ice Breaker!!!
Oh I had so much fun! At one point I sat down on the edge of a wicker chaise lounge, I was chatting with a couple of my friends and decided it would be fine to sit here! WRONG!!! I realized I had no business squattin/sitting on the edge of this thing (afraid it was going to topple over at any minute!) and had to get my feet up and under myself to get up!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!! Here I am thinking, OK Lisa, easy does it, make sure you use your good ankle (left leg) and get yourself off this thing before you break it in half!!
I was successful, but of course this just gave me more confidence to keep going!!!!!! Hot Damn!!! I'm on a roll!!!!!!!
Oh I laughed so hard Sunday, it's contagious too. When you laugh, people laugh too and then it just spreads! Laughter changes the chemicals in your brain, it raises the good levels of brain activity and is the best medicine! I was high from laughter alone, well of course the Corona's were helping too!
I usually don't tell people what I do for a living, having a paper route at age 41 is not the most glamorous job! But at about midnight I let it slip that I had to work in about 4 hours!! LMAO! Now as the time went on, one girl just kept pointing to her watch!!! LOL!
We stayed til 3am, left and went and got the papers....Then went home and slept for a few hours! On a holiday I have til 8am to get them delivered, we made out fine. Well, as far as getting them delivered, not too well as far as we felt!!!!!
I hit no garages or parked cars! Everyone got their paper by 8 and no one was the wiser!!!
My hubby slept and slept all day, I slept for a few hours after I got back from my route but was surprised that I felt pretty good when I woke up! Again remembering the laughter antidote!
Last night at about 8pm, I woke hubby up, "I want to go see the fireworks, and so does your son, get UP!!"
Glorious weekend! The start of what I hope to be one of my best summers!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
A No No
OMG!!! Can't believe I did it!!! I was delivering this morning and I hit someone's garage!!!!!!
It was the part that sticks out abit, the casing to the garage door. I was pulling into their driveway, and I was just about ready to change the gears and boom! I was so pissed off at myself, DAMN!!!!!!! Of course I had to have Rick with me and he starts in on me....
What the hell??? Why didn't you stop???
UUU....I was trying too......I didn't want to hit my customers garage!!! Ya know bad for business and all!
Oh sure their gonna call the warehouse and you're gonna get fired!
Oh thanks for the vote of confidence! Way to make my day! Is it not bad enough that I just hit that guys garage, now you have me fired and having to look for a new job! Thanks!
Got home and waited for a decent hour in the morning and made the call......
Mrs. Savea, uuu, this is Lisa Camp your paper delivery person....I am so sorry, but I accidentally hit your garage today,
OH? We haven't even been out there yet?
Well I did hit it, and I am so sorry, I just wanted to let you know. There is small.....dent
OK well, I'll send my husband out to loot at it ok?
Alright, take a look and here is my telephone number, look at it and give me a call back.
Well thank you so much for calling and telling us.
Well it's been a few hours since my call, 5 in fact and they have not called me back. I hope this means they are not too mad!
Friday, July 01, 2005
4th of July
Oh the bright lights
that boom in the night
we all ooo and ahh
at the glorious sight
red white and blue
is worn and displayed
but oh how these three
colors have changed
is there a leap
in your heart
for your home
or a shame
that come and settles
in your womb
red for the blood
that's been shed
by our lies
and darkens our faces
from embarassment sighs
white for the race
that is superior
by far
we fool ourself
with our prejudice eyes
blue for the weeping
mothers who lost
their children
to this maddening war
for my heart
as it sinks
asking what is this for?
Brooke Shields has spoken again, telling the NY Times Friday 7/1 that Tom Cruises remarks are a disservice to mothers everywhere.
I just took a poll and was so excited to see the results!
Who do you side with in this war of the words?
Brooke Shields 94%
Tom Cruise 6%
Total Votes: 82,909
Admitting and getting help for your mental health is not a easy thing, I now see that people are not being swayed by Mr Cruise idotic remarks! To quote Brooke herself, Tom, please just go back to saving the world from aliens, (now my added remarks) and keep your mouth shut!